How You Can Hide, Destroy, Or Remove Stubborn Stumps After Tree Removal

Once you have gotten rid of the hazardous tree near your home, there is a stump left sticking up from the ground. This is an unsightly addition to your landscaping that you will want to get rid of. There are different ways to deal with stubborn stumps, and the following solutions will help you deal with the problem.

Treating Your Stump Problems with Treatments to Encourage Them to Rot

There are many ways to treat old stumps that are an eyesore. The simplest way is to drill holes in the stump and pour Epsom salt in it. In addition, there are also commercial treatments that can speed up the decaying process to get rid of the stump faster than if you let it rot naturally. If you use salt or stump treatments, they may cause problems with nearby plants if you use too much and the salt or chemicals get in the soil, so only use enough to keep the treatment inside the stump.

Grinding the Stump Down with Specialized Equipment

The best way to get rid of a stump is to remove it with the tree. Talk to the tree service about using stump removal equipment that grinds the stump down when you have the tree removal done. This will turn the stump into sawdust that is mixed into the soil so that you can immediately begin restorations of landscaping when the trees are gone.

Digging Around the Stump and Cutting the Taproot to Remove It from Landscaping

If you want to get rid of the stump yourself and it is not too big, all you have to do is cut the taproot. This is the main root that goes down into the soil and supports the tree. Before you can cut it, you are going to have to dig down and around the roots to get to it. Use a pressure washer or garden hose nozzle to clean around the roots to make sure there are no rocks before you cut the taproot to remove the stump.

Low-Profile Cutting of Tree Stumps to Leave Them Where They Are to Rot Naturally

If you want to just leave the stump where it is and let it decay naturally because it does not bother you, you will want to cut it low to the ground. When the tree is removed, talk to the contractor about cutting the stump lower to the ground to hide it. If you need to, remove some of the soil around the stump to cut it lower and then fill it back in to hide the stump in landscaping flowerbeds or forested areas on your property.

After tree removal, the stump that is left in your yard can be dealt with using some of these solutions. If you need help with removing stumps and dealing with waste, contact a stump removal service to return your landscaping to nutrient-rich soil that can be planted with grass or other natural covering. For more information, contact a company like Sandford's Tree Service today.

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rotecting your home and vehicles from tree damage

Do you have trees that hang over your home? Are there trees that are too close to the home and are causing damage to the siding? Do you constantly have to scrub tree sap from the cars that you park in your driveway? If so, it is probably time for you to call in a professional tree service to help you get a handle on those trees. In some cases, an entire tree does not have to be removed to protect your home and vehicles from the damage that they can cause. To learn more about protecting your home and vehicles from tree damage, visit my website.

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