How To Know That Your Trees Need Trimming

Landscape trees are great at shading and enhancing the appeal of your property. Moreover, trees provide immense environmental benefits. However, these trees need to be cared for and maintained to keep them in top shape. 

Failure to do so means they'll make your property look less appealing and also present a safety hazard to your loved ones. Consequently, you need to have your landscape trees trimmed often to prevent such problems. But how do you know it's the right time to trim your trees? Well, look for these signs.

Diseased Branches

Diseases and infections tend to spread gradually to various parts of the trees. So, if you are keen enough, you might catch diseases during their early stages. It's quite easy to control a disease or infection if it attacks the limbs, leaves, or branches. You only need to hire a professional to trim the affected branches before the disease spreads to the other parts. 

So, if you notice that the branches are becoming brittle and there is leaf discoloration, get a tree trimming service immediately to control the disease.

Damage After a Storm or Floods

Heavy rainfall, floods, and strong winds are notorious for causing severe damage to landscape trees. The trees will even get uprooted from the ground, depending on the strength of the wind. 

However, some trees will remain strong but end up with broken branches instead. So, if you notice that your trees have broken, cracked, or loosely hanging branches, hire a professional tree trimming service immediately. 

Heavy Branch Growth

Heavy branch growth is never a good thing because you'll always have to deal with a yard full of leaf litter. Besides, trees with overcrowded branches can block sunlight and cast a lot of shade on your property. 

Knowing this, you might want to have the excess branches trimmed to allow enough sunlight to penetrate your property. By trimming such branches, you'll minimize the possibility of your trees snapping due to strong winds.

Misshapen Trees

The other key sign your trees need trimming is if their shape doesn't look good. As trees grow, their branches will also grow, but not in a uniform manner. As a result, you'll have trees whose structures aren't aesthetically pleasing. Such trees can make your landscape look disorganized. Thankfully, a tree trimming service can restore the shape of your trees.

If you are trying to keep your trees in good shape, don't downplay the need to hire a tree trimming service. It's the least you can do to improve your trees' health and aesthetics. 

For more information, contact a local company, like Git-R-Down Tree Service LLC.

About Me

rotecting your home and vehicles from tree damage

Do you have trees that hang over your home? Are there trees that are too close to the home and are causing damage to the siding? Do you constantly have to scrub tree sap from the cars that you park in your driveway? If so, it is probably time for you to call in a professional tree service to help you get a handle on those trees. In some cases, an entire tree does not have to be removed to protect your home and vehicles from the damage that they can cause. To learn more about protecting your home and vehicles from tree damage, visit my website.

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